
I’m Stacey, founder of Monday Made ♡ I got my start in graphic design & design strategy, and as a working designer I started to suspect one big blindspot in a lot of design teams — quality project management.

This blindspot pattern is common everywhere — being great at a job function rarely translates to a natural ability to manage the job function. So, I sent myself back to school for project management to occupy that blindspot in my industry.

It is this learning that set me on the path to Monday Made.


There are few more illuminating moments than those you stumble upon when starting and running a business, and mine was no exception. When I started my small design practice, Oh hey face, I quickly noticed that I was struggling with that same blindspot. Even with formal training and experience in project management, it was an ongoing challenge to keep hold of the big picture of my business whilst continuing to deliver results for my clients.

It was here that I finally realized what all business owners realize at some point.

Being present for the work in your business and the work on your business is a brand new skill.


Unsurprisingly, fatigue and burnout started to set in, and I knew something had to change. Things felt out of alignment and I was losing focus and drive for my original purpose in starting a business — healthy and spacious work / life balance.

When I began consciously fusing my own learning as a designer + business owner with the skills of a project manager, things really started to move. Through an ongoing cycle of reflecting and reworking my systems, I’ve assembled a robust toolkit of self-health and technological tools to help me maintain better balance and use my strengths to my advantage.

Monday Made is here to expand this learning for small business owners and founders, and craft the unique flavor of balance that fuels your forward motion.

Thanks for being here!